The final products of MASS Project were presented during the third and the last Education Conference 'Motivate and Attract Students to Science'. This event took place at University of Cologne on 28th – 30th September 2016. It gathered more than 70 science teachers, educators and teachers' trainers from over 20 European countries and United States of America.
The main goal of the conference was to encourage teachers to use technology and online tools in the classroom to engage Digital Learners in science, start with the Inquiry-based learning at the elementary shool level and give appropriate instruction and attention to the Low Achievment students who do not enjoy science. The special guest, dr. Kevin O'Connor from the Mount Royal University, gave a very interesting and inspiring speech on engaging students in place-based science education. Training session, held in parallel, were the main part of the conference. During the Digital Learners session, the participants were using several digital tools on the topics of renewable ways to safe energy and the creation of resilient cities that stand the test of time. This workhop mainly focused on getting a practical experience in using digital tools to make science lessons more motivating and attractive to the students. Early Inquiry session was mainly dedicated for motivating students for searching answers and training new skills. During the workshop on Low Achievers in Science, the participants could get know more about recommendations to motivate students with low achievement to learn science.
Some more inspirations on using MASS materials were presented during the "Working with MASS-materials in schools" session. This part was mainly focused on impressions and reflections from piloting in european schools. While the MASS Project will finish at the end of 2016, we believe that the story on motivation of students will be a neverending one. |