Teachers use modern technologies to attract students to science and give them better understanding of it. Through technology, students can explore science content in a way that would not otherwise be accessible. “As a part of my lesson on the Universe, I showed a video that presents celestial obj...
Consisted of learning material regarding the carbon cycle which is organized in 3 stages: scenario, inquiry, decision-making Stage 1 : Scenario Extreme weather phenomena are being observed across the globe. Catastrophic typhoon in Philippines..., extreme drought in Africa...., Cyclone Cleopatra ...
Selected for piloting
CO2nnect is a school campaign for education for sustainable development on the theme of climate and transport. The aim of CO2nnect is to support learning activities that provide pupils with abilities, skills, and awareness of issues related to sustainable development. CO2nnect was developed as part ...
Selected for piloting
EduGIS Academy
EduGIS Academy was aimed at popularizing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as geoinformation (GIS) in the fields of science and environmental education in junior high schools and high schools in Poland. The project based on professional experience exchange (meetings...
The ENGAGE project is part of the EU Science in society agenda to promote more Responsible Research and Innovation’ (RRI). ENGAGE is about equipping the next generation to participate in scientific issues to change how science is taught. Traditionally students gain an image of science as a body of c...
The specific learning material is organized in three stages which include Scenario, Inquiry and Decision-making. Stage 1 - Scenario The village of Iliaktida is located in a beautiful valley between two mountains. Recently, a very important issue raised the concern of the people who live in the vil...
The specific learning material is organized in three stages which include Scenario, Inquiry and Decision-making. Stage 1: Scenario In the past few months, the Republic of Cyprus has begun a very important process: a search to discover and extract natural gas. As a result of this, a convention will...
The project described here is embedded in the frame of a regular school lesson conducted in senior classes in high school. To address issues of the chemical field of dye synthesis and especially the azo dye substances, this lessons setup starts with a problem definition. This is done by introducing ...