Final version - Low Achievers in Science
Motivate and Attract Students with Low Achievement in Science - Teachers Tutorial
Exemplary science lessons targeting low-achievers. Based on these examples, teachers will be able to develop their own lesson. The content is focused on environment related topics.
Choose your national version of the Tutorial:
Low Achievers in Science - Module of Training
Includes recommended agenda and teaching materials for dissemination of WG3 experience. It is tailored package that key stakeholders and multiplicators can use to train teachers.
Choose your national version of the Module of Training:
Final version - Early Inquiry
Early Inquiry - Exemplary Science Lessons, Recommendations for Educators and Training Activities
The aim of this material is to provide information that will help educators to implement IBSE when educating students between 6 and 14 years of age and to develop their own lessons. The material contains information about IBSE, its use, advantages and disadvantages as well as several training activities for inquiry steps. The material contains also exemplary lessons for various science classes that are easy to implement into education.
Choose your national version of the Tutorial:
Hands-on lessons
The instruction to the exemplary science lesson that is easy to implement. Based on these examples, teachers will be able to develop their own lesson. The content is focused on environment related topics.
National versions:
Early inquiry - Training module for beginners
Includes recommeded agenda and teaching materials for dissemination of WG2 experience, it is tailored package that key stakeholders and multiplicators can use to train beginners teachers.
Choose your national version of the Module of Training:
Early inquiry - Training module for advanced teachers
Includes recommeded agenda and teaching materials for dissemination of WG2 experience, it is tailored package that key stakeholders and multiplicators can use to train advanced teachers.
Final version - Science through digital learning
How Digital Tools can Motivate and Attract Students to Science - Teachers Tutorial
Instructions on how to exploit particular applications/devices during science lessons. The intention was to develop a format of a user friendly guides that introduce technology or application via concrete topic, developed for a part of a lesson (for data collection, presentation results of experiment etc.)
Choose your national version of the Tutorial:
How Digital Tools can Motivate and Attract Students to Science - Module of Training
Includes recommended agenda and teaching materials for dissemination of WG1 experience, it is tailored package that key stakeholders and multiplicators can use to train teachers.
Choose your national version of the Module of Training:
Final version
To help teachers to become empowered, skillful and self-confident, we worked on:
- Study (recommendations)
- Examples of good practices
- Module of teacher training
- Hands-on lessons / tutorials
for Digital Learners, Early Inquiry and Low Achievers in Science.