The Pathway
Working Group:Early InquiryCountry:Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United KingdomLanguages:German, Greek, Italian, RomanianAge of students (target group/s):6-12, 13-14, 15-18Links, resources:
The Pathway to Inquiry-Based Science Teaching multinational EU project brings together experts in the field of science education research and teachers' communities, scientists, explorers involved in pioneering scientific research and curriculum developers, to promote the use of inquiry and problem-based science teaching techniques in primary and secondary schools in Europe and beyond. The aim of the project is to set the pathway towards a standard-based approach to teaching science by inquiry, to support the adoption of inquiry teaching by demonstrating ways to reduce the constraints presented by teachers and school organization, and to demonstrate and disseminate methods and exemplary cases of both effective introduction of inquiry to science classrooms and professional development programmes.Strong points and opportunities:• The Pathway provides well designed and time-tested practices for a successful implementation of Inquiry-Based Science Education.
• The proposed educational materials and methods offer a “feel and interact” user experience, allowing for learning “anytime, anywhere” by employing advanced and highly interactive visualization technologies.
• The project encourages students to be involved in scientific investigations as it connects schools with scientific Research Centres.
• The necessary link to school curriculum is implemented using a multilingual Science Education Vocabulary which connects the users, the educational activities, and pedagogical models.Limitations:No particular limitations are recognised.Added value with regards to the 3 topics of the MASS project:The proposed methods and tools imparts a deep understanding of content, teaches prospective teachers many ways to motivate young minds, especially with the appropriate use of technology, and to guide them in active and extended scientific inquiry.Any prerequisites needed:PCs and laboratory equipment (depending on the activity).