Good practices
The project aimed to give students more challenging and authentic learning experiences by creating a new experimental science laboratory and expanding the existing teaching resources. Main objectives of the COSMOS project were to develop a user-friendly online repository of both scientific and educa... |
The Explorers Project is a result of a two-year long cooperation of the TEREZA Association and a team of teachers. They worked together to create a methodology that would help implement Inquiry Based Science Education into Czech primary schools. The core of Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) lie... |
The Project aimed to provide advice, teaching aids, instruments and other support for teaching geoscience in secondary schools. The GEOschools project brought together geoscientists from universities, teaching training institutions, schools, museums and geoparks. Its objectives are: (a) to bridge th... |
The project aims at providing resources and opportunities for teachers to make science in specific fields (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth science, Environmental sciences, Geography, Physics) more attractive to their students. The project includes: (a) an online portal that provides with an int... |
The project's main goal is to design activities that foster the involvement of students in scientific research. This will be achieved by combining formal and informal educational approaches to introduce relevant topics (Earth science, Ecology, Energy, Environmental sciences, Geophysics, Meteorology,... |