Do you want to make your trainings or professional development courses better focused at needs of science educators needs and more engaging for teachers at the same time? Try our materials once!
Each training module (MoT) includes: time plan, set of learning activities as well as supporting materials such as charts, presentations and hand outs. You or other trainers can use MoTs as they are or adjust the materials, developing your own training course for science teachers and educators in your country.
For some more inspiration, visit "Get inspired!" section of the MASS website where you can find:
- Case Studies: a booklet guide with 13 stories from the teachers who implemented MASS Project activities in their classroom.
- Good practices: library of the projects and learning activities, which may inspire you to make a real change to your classroom.
If you need support or help in the implementation of the training or particular learning activity, you can contact the MASS project partner in your country or the project coordinator.
All the materials were developed in collaboration with educators who took part in the survey and defined specific requirements for products and activities carrying the potential to raise students' interest in science. For more information see the survey reports (summary / full version).
Science through digital learning
Module of Training (MoT): How Digital Tools can Motivate and Attract Students to Science
This MoT helps to familiarize educators with different types of digital tools. The training is based on a universal topic – development of the cities and human impact on the environment related to that process – so all the materials can be easily adjusted to give an example of the capital of your own country. In this case the city of Athens is used as an example throughout the training. MoT is structured as a step-by-step instruction, with links to free geosoftware and data needed for the training.
Download this MoT in PDF file.
Early Inquiry
Module of Training (MoT): Early inquiry
This training was designed to support teachers in the use of inquiry tools in science education. It helps to create an inquiry-based science education (IBSE) lesson for younger students step-by-step. It includes set of various activities related to each step of the IBSE process. They can be individually implemented by each participant, and slowly they can replace the traditional teaching methods that were used at different phases during the lesson.
Download this MoT in PDF file.
Low achievers in science
Module of Training (MoT): Low Achievers in Science
The training module is based on a five-step ordered experiential learning cycle. It helps participants to understand why motivation is so important for learning. During the training they also learn about new approaches, methods and tools. Furthemore, they are encouraged to develop their own ideas on how to motivate low achievers to succeed in science, in particular on how to work with students of heterogeneous ability levels and help low achievers to stay engaged at the same time.
Download this MoT in PDF file.