Do you want to raise your students' interest in science? Try these materials out in your classroom!
Each package includes instructions how to exploit particular methods and tools on science lessons, as well as set of exemplary lesson plans/hands-on activities.
For some more inspiration, visit "Get inspired!" section of the MASS website where you can find:
- Case Studies: a booklet guide with 13 stories from the teachers who implemented MASS Project activities in their classroom.
- Good practices: library of the projects and learning activities, that may inspire you to make a real change in your classroom.
If you need support in the implementation of the lesson plans or a particular learning activity, you can contact the MASS project partner in your country or the project coordinator.
All the materials were developed in collaboration with educators who took part in the survey and defined specific requirements for products and activities carrying the potential to raise students' interest in science. For more information see the survey reports (summary / full version).
Science through digital learning
Teachers Tutorial: How Digital Tools can Motivate and Attract Students to Science
Instructions on how to exploit particular applications/devices during science lessons. The intention was to develop a format of a user friendly guides that introduce technology or application via concrete topic, developed for a part of a lesson (for data collection, presentation results of experiment etc.)
Follow our interactive tutorial online.
Download the tutorial in PDF file.
Early Inquiry
Teachers Guide to Inquiry-Based Learning
This material provides information that will help educators to implement IBSE method with students aged 6-14. It contains introduction to IBSE, prons and cons of its use, as well as several training activities for inquiry steps and exemplary lessons for various science classes.
Download the booklet in PDF file.
Hands-on lessons
Hands-on lessons for various science subjects that are easily implemented thanks to well-explained instructions, worksheets and handouts. The content is focused on environment related topics:
Download the whole material as a ZIP file.
Low achievers in science
Exemplary Science Lessons, Recommendations for Educators and Training Activities
This material provides information that will help teachers to understand why motivation is important for learning and how to motivate low achievers to succeed in science. It contains introduction to low achievers, overview of different teaching methods, as well as exemplary lessons for various science classes focused on environment related topics:
- Environmental Pollution: The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
- Moving soil
- What will be the weather today?
- Coping with waste
- Groundwater pollution
Download the booklet in PDF file.