Good practices
The ENGAGE project is part of the EU Science in society agenda to promote more Responsible Research and Innovation’ (RRI). ENGAGE is about equipping the next generation to participate in scientific issues to change how science is taught. Traditionally students gain an image of science as a body of c... |
Anda Freimane from Mazzalve Primary school performed a natural science lesson about flying for the 5th grade students. Their task was to make paper airplanes at home. They were later tested in school to find the best model to fly. Students could use any information or help. The resulting planes were... |
The Hejny Method is a unique way of teaching mathematics. It is based on 12 principles which work with children’s natural knowledge and which develop it further. The key principle is building of patterns natural for each of us. The Hejny Method strengthens the patterns and draws conclusions from the... |