The piloting phase of the MASS project took place from September 2015 until April 2016 in eight European countries(Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Greece, Cyprus and the Netherlands). MASS educational materials, developed by project team, were tested by almost 100 teachers and over 1100 students in primary and secondary schools. On the basis of their comments and remarks, we improved and adjusted our materials so they can help make a real change in the classroom practice (see Final materials).


As the summary of the piloting, the Case Studies booklet was prepared as –a practical guidebook for science teachers and educators. This booklet includes 13 best examples of piloted practices related to three major challenges in making science education more attractive to students:
• Science for digital learners (science through digital learning; use of digital tools and online applications),
• Early Inquiry (effective implementation of Inquiry Based Education, IBE for the youngest students),
• Low achievers in science (methods attracting students with lower motivation).


See Case Studies booklet in English .pdf


National versions of Case Studies booklet: