Selected for piloting
Working Group:Low Achievers in ScienceCountry:Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United KingdomLanguages:Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, SwedishAge of students (target group/s):13-14, 15-18Links, resources:
CO2nnect is a school campaign for education for sustainable development on the theme of climate and transport. The aim of CO2nnect is to support learning activities that provide pupils with abilities, skills, and awareness of issues related to sustainable development. CO2nnect was developed as part of the “SUPPORT: partnership and participation for a sustainable tomorrow” project, which aimed to improve knowledge about and practice of education for sustainable development (ESD) and to integrate the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning. The main tool is the CO2nnect website, which help teachers to organize teaching activities and school projects on the topic. The website contains a CO2-from-transport calculator, a shared database for the results, and tools to compare results in order to analyse and discuss the outcomes.Strong points and opportunities:• Science is related to everyday life and linked to the local community.
• Project linked to climate change, thus able to be linked to biology, chemistry, physics, geology, mathematics.Limitations:No particular limitations are recognized.Added value with regards to the 3 topics of the MASS project:Within the project, students participating are encouraged to work closely with local authorities, parents, businesses, organisations and of course other students and teachers They can be involved and present and discuss their findings. They can explore together how the local transportation systems could be made more sustainable. They can develop ideas for reducing climate emissions from transport and upload your climate idea and photos from their work. This creative, participatory and collaborative work creates n ideal environment for low achievers who are usually detached from their teachers and classmates and fail to see the link between science and every day life.Any prerequisites needed:PCs and Internet connection.